I have recently got my butt back into gear and started digging away at the mass of delicious terrain bits and bobs that I have accumulated over the last decade or so of my hobby career and have decided to revive an old project idea of mine that got thrown onto the backburner a while ago.
It all started when some buddies and I got involved with a Necromunda campaign. Now anyone who has played this glorious specialist game before knows just how much of an emotional rollercoaster this game can be. I remember the legitimate fear i felt when I had to roll injuries, the true heartache of losing my first ganger to overwhelming gunfire from an evil pack of Escher and the utter horror I felt when I lost my favorite heavy to the monster in the dark. ( I mean COME ON!!! I had to roll 6 and then 6, that's RIDICULOUS!!)
But the thing I loved most about the campaign was the tables we had set up, I mean it was ALL TERRAIN! The bridges, the barricades and hiding places, by the gods it was glorious.
Look at them, lots of fun terrain right there, but the thing that killed me, none of the stuff that is painted is mine. EL TERRIBLE! Just say that in a bad Spanish accent and you'll know how I felt.
So I have pulled out my bits and sourced as much advice as I can, either via mates in the hobby, some of the awesome plogs on the net and various websites, not to mention the AMAZING work by some of the INQ28 guys throughout the world.
Thats what I am working with at the moment, I gotta admit, it's a lot of inspiration and heartache, but I gotta get through it.
So here is the plan, I wanna get a 4x4 table done by the end of this. For Necromunda and a bit of INQ28 if I me and the boys get the chance. It could probably work for 40k, but I'm not expecting that vehicles would have a very easy time getting around the table in my mind. I plan on doing it 1x1 at a time, a buddy of mine cut up a mess of MDF panels for me, and these things are EXACT!
SO here is a few shots of the piece I have started so far, it's not too much at the moment, but give it a lick of paint and a wash here and there and I reckon I might have something I can play with!
So any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated and I hope to get some action regarding the painting of this bad boy soon!
Thanks guys.
Great to see you at it again and with terrain. It's something that I feel I've neglected.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, my escher gang was awesome :-)