A bit more action on the hobby front at the moment, with A WARBAND ALMOST DONE!!
THere is a bunch of work to do on the greenstuff, nut im pretty happy with the way these guys (and girl and thing) are coming along.
The following are my WIP warband, Name Unknown. I know, it's a rather original title!
There are a pair of inquisitors, In my mind theyre a couple of sorts. The gentleman being an Ordos Hereticus type and his lovely partner being a rather cold Ordos Xenos gal with an unhealthy attatchment to the Dark Eldar.
There is a rather metallic fellow and his several additional bits, also his rather unkempt and large assistant.
There is also a rather short gentleman, who hates bugs and loves his puppy!
Yeah, it's a Squat and his dog.
Hope y'all like it all, any advice and the like would be greatly appreciated.
You are a busy, busy man! I do like the inquisitors. Are you going to give the male one a single eye lens like the picture?